Gregory & Jasmine

Before Michigan initiated the stay-at-home order, Gregory experienced some odd symptoms but was not tested because they didn’t align with COVID-19. It was only after being admitted to the hospital for feeling like he was suffocating that he received the test, confirming he was positive. Gregory’s experience in the ICU was traumatic; watching people die day-after-day around him. His body was refusing to accept oxygen, and he feared that he was going to die. Unexpectedly, during the worst moments of his battle with COVID-19, his body made a turn around in what he describes as a “ miracle.” When Gregory was stable enough to come home, he found his wife, Jasmine, experiencing irregular symptoms.

*Hear Gregory & Jasmine’s full story below in their Zoom interview

Hear Their Story.


Gregory is a professional vocalist and the project manager for IT at Ford Credit. Jasmine is a stylist and the owner of Finesse Style Studio in Walled Lake. They live in Wolverine Lake with their two kids, ages 11 and 14.


Pictures from Hospital

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